Monday, April 12, 2004

Agnes "Aggie" Newell Scott (1856 - 1884)

 Contents * Index * Surnames * Contact 
Birth: 1856
Maryland, USA
Death: Mar. 1, 1884

"SCOTT - On March 1, 1884 AGNES NEWELL, wife of Lieut. A. B. Scott, U.S.A. Funeral from her father's residence, corner of Carollton and Lafayette Ave. , this (Monday) afternoon at two o'clock. Friends are kindly requested not to send flowers." (Baltimore Sun) [wife of Albert Blackstone Scott, dau. of Prof. M. A. and Susannah (Rippard) Newell.

Family links:
  McFadden Alexander Newell (1824 - 1893)
  Susannah Rippard Newell (1828 - 1883)

  Albert Blackstone Scott (1858 - 1906)

  Mary Carlisle Newell (1849 - 1884)*
  Annie R. Newell Tolson (1852 - 1883)*
  Agnes Newell Scott (1856 - 1884)
  George Rippard Newell (1858 - 1898)*
  Harry Alexander Newell (1862 - 1940)*
  Irene Newell (1865 - 1899)*
  Belle Algeo Newell Pratt (1867 - 1945)*

*Calculated relationship
Green Mount Cemetery
Baltimore City
Maryland, USA

Created by: ReeT
Record added: Feb 04, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 104635326

Agnes Aggie <i>Newell</i> ScottAdded by: Debb
Agnes Aggie <i>Newell</i> Scott
Cemetery Photo
Agnes "Aggie" Newell Scott (1856 - Mar. 1, 1884)
 by Alec Newell

"Aggie" Newell was the 4th of nine children born to Professor M. Alexander and Susannah Rippard Newell.  Her biography is less notable than those of her husband Albert, and son Alexander Newell Scott, but more on them later.
The first child born to the couple had also been named Agnes, but "died young."  She is listed in the ship's manifest in which the family immigrated from Liverpool: "On May 1, 1848 on the ship AZ, M. Alex Newell, 23, a merchant, his wife Susannah 19, Agnes, an infant, and a servant arrived in New York City."
We know from her 1884 obituary, that 28 year old "Aggie" had married Lt. Albert Blackstone Scott, bore him a son in 1882, and died.  Her funeral was held at her father's home on Carollton and Lafayette Ave. in Baltimore.  In the 14 month period between July of 1883 and Sept. of 1884, that house would see the funerals for four female members of the Newell family.  Having so many deaths in such a short period of time must have been devastating for the survivors.
Aggie's younger brothers, George and Harry, had left home for Florida in late 1880.  Her mother Susannah, died in July of 1883 (age 55) and was followed less than two months later by the third sister Annie.  Aggie died in March of 1884, and the oldest surviving sister, Mary C. Newell "Mini" died that September, leaving Professor Newell alone in the house with two teen age daughters, Irene and "Belle".
"Belle" married a Paul Pratt in Havre de Grace Md. (1892), and from a 1900 census we see  that Aggie's son, Alexander Newell Scott, is listed as a 'farm laborer' living with his Aunt "Belle" and Uncle Paul Pratt.
By March of 1885, or just a little more than a year from his first wife's death, Professor Newell is remarried to Charlotte (Price or Wilson) Davies Newell, whose birthdates are variously given as 1847, 1849, 1855, and 1859.  Whichever date you pick, she was certainly much younger than he was, younger even than several of his daughters, and with so many inconsistencies in the information we have about her name(s) and birthdates, it also makes me wonder if perhaps Ms. Charlotte had a flair for self reinvention as well.
In October of 1885, grandson M. Alex Newell is born Harry and Gertrude of Orlando, and two months after that, and just a scant nine months from the nuptials with his young bride, Charlotte presented Professor Newell with a third son, James Alexander Newell.  A daughter, Josephine "Jo" Cushing Newell would follow on Jan. 10 1889 (or 1892).  At this point Professor Newell had sired 11 children by two wives, but only six of the children were still living.  That's a 44.5% mortality rate among his children.
To further complicate the family tree, Aggie's only child, (Professor Newell's grandson) Alexander Newell Scott and Josephine C. Newell, (Professor Newell's only daughter by Charlotte) marry and produce a son named Alexander Newell Scott Jr.

Search billions of records on
Lieut. A. B. SCOTTProf. Mc Fadden "Alexander" (M. A.) NEWELL
(1824 - 1893)
Agnes (Aggie) NEWELL
(ca1856 - 1884)
Charlotte Price or Wilson DAVIES
(1855 - 1941)

m. 30 Jun 1924, Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD
Alexander "Newell" SCOTTJosephine (Jo) Cushing Newell NEWELL
b. 24 Sep 1882, MD [8, 1945 Newell Scott's Birthday], [290]
occ. 1900 farm labrorer liv. with Uncle Paul Pratt and Aunt Belle Newell Pratt
God P..
Re. He married his mother's half sister!!!
b. 10 Jan 1892, Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD [8], [130, Jan 1892 aged 8]
God P..
Re. Her husband was her half sister's son!!!
Re. Orlando, Orange Co., FL

Alexander Newell SCOTT Jr.
April 12, 1928 - Nov. 4, 1928
Afterword on Aggies's husband, Albert Blackstone Scott
For years there had been rumors afoot that Agnes Newell had been married to a "Dr. Scott," and hence a family connection to the Agnes Scott College in Atlanta.  When allusions to a Lieutenant A. B. Scott began to surface, the bogus conjectures about a "Dr. Scott" faded.  I began to suspect that Agnes' son, Alex Newell Scott, might have been the product of an illicit liaison between the spinster-aged Agnes (26) and the "shadowy" Texas born U. S. Army Lieutenant.  Had it all been an elaborate Victorian smokescreen to hide a family scandal?  The truth turned out to be a much better story.
Following up on a recent tip I received from my sister, Connie Newell Langston, the "shadowy" Lt. Scott turned out to be a noteworthy candidate for research on his own merits.
Albert B Scott, was a "born soldier" raised in the home of his maternal grandfather, a Brevetted Brigadier General Robert H.K. Whitely who had headed up part of the infamous "Trail of Tears." 
Albert was appointed to West Point by Ulysses S. Grant, served with distinction in several Indian Wars, and was wounded in a final chase with Geronimo, in Arizona. During the Spanish American War (with Teddy Roosevelt) he fell, severely wounded, during the Battle of San Juan and was mistaken for dead.  He was later brevetted to the rank of Major for his gallantry, and died from complications to his wounds at home in 1906.  He is buried in Milledgeville, Ga.

He had served as commandant of Cadets at the Maryland Agricultural College, and the Georgia Military Academy, and was admitted to Bar Association at Milledgeville, Georgia in 1895.
Following Aggie's death, Albert had married the daughter of Brigadier-General J.B. Howell (died Civil War) and fathered two daughters with her, one of whom was called Agnes.  The attachment below is taken directly from the Annual Reunion by U. S. Military Academy Association of Graduates, June 13, 1907.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Major Albert Blackstone Scott 1858-1906

No. 2859. Class Of 1880.
Died, January 10th, 1906, at Milledgeville, Ga., aged 48.

Major Albert B. Scott was born at the arsenal, in San Antonio, Texas, on October 29, 1858, in the quarters of his grandfather, General R. H. K. Whitely, U. S. Army, who was at that time in command at that post. Major Scott's father was Judge Scott, of New Orleans.
He was reared by his grandfather in the State of Pennsylvania and was appointed to the Military Academy at West Point in 1876 by General U. S. Grant and graduated from said Academy in 1880. He was assigned to the Thirteenth U. S. Infantry, then stationed at Fort Wingate, New Mexico, and served with this regiment until his retirement. He spent eight years on the frontier..
From 1888 to 1891 he was Commandant of Cadets at the Maryland Agricultural College, and from 1891 to 1894 was with his regiment in Oklahoma. In 1894 he was detailed as Commandant of Cadets at the Georgia Military College at Milledgeville, Georgia, and served in this position until 1898. when his regiment was ordered to Cuba to take part in the Spanish-American War.
In the battle at San Juan Hill, on July 1, 1898, Major Scott, then Captain, was severely wounded, a bullet entering the neck, just in front of the angle of the jaw, in the right side, passed entirely through the neck and came out on the left side of the spine, breaking the tip off of the fifth vertebrae. He was reported killed, and it was several days before his friends and relatives knew to the contrary. He was brought to the United States, and for a year he lay on his bed unable to speak aloud. At the end of a year he rallied somewhat and was able to move about with the aid of a crutch. His right arm was entirely paralyzed and his right leg partially so. He was unable to walk without assistance, a body servant being always within arm's length.
In 1900 Major Scott was ordered to Fort McPherson, Georgia, for light duty, and while serving with the greatest difficulty and always suffering severe pain, he took great pride in performing all the duties that came to him.
In 1902 Major Scott, at the request of the Military College and the citizens of Milledgeville, Georgia, was detailed for the second time as Commandant of Cadets of the Georgia Military College, and served until he was relieved in 1905 He was promoted to Major and retired July 28, 1905.
Major Scott was admitted to the bar at Milledgeville, Georgia, at the July term, 1895, of Baldwin Superior Court. It was his ambition, after retirement, to enter into the active practice of law, and he did open an office in Milledgeville, Georgia. He was terribly handicapped in following any profession, ow1ng to the awful wound received in the Spanish American War, and which rendered him almost helpless, but whenever his physical condition would permit he was a regular attendant upon the Courts of Baldwin County until his death.
Major Scott died in Milledgeville, Georgia, January 10th, 1906, from the effects of the wound received at San Juan Hill. He is buried in the cemetery at Milledgeville, Georgia.
Major Scott was a born soldier, having been born and reared in army posts and educated in the U. S. Military Academy. He was patient and kind, retiring in disposition, never seeking notoriety.
He was a great sufferer and bore his sufferings patiently. He was a loyal friend, a scholarly gentleman, and he died a soldier and a Christian. Major Scott was recommended for Brevet Major for gallantry in action at San Juan Hill in 1898 by General Kent.
General R. H. K. Whitely, Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army, grandfather of Major Scott, graduated from West Point in 1830, and served with distinction, until retired from age.
Major Scott was twice married. His first wife was Miss Agnes Newell, of Baltimore, Md., whose father was M. A. Newell, President of the Maryland Normal School of Baltimore. From this union there was one child, A. Newell Scott, who is now liv1ng at Elizabeth, Pennsylvania.
Major Scott married Miss Mary Howell, of Pennsylvania. She was a daughter of Brigadier-General J. B. Howell, U. S. Volunteers, who at the beginning of the Civil War, raised his own regiment, Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, became its Colonel, served with brilliant record and was killed before Petersburg, Va., in September, before the War closed, this daughter being then in infancy. Of this union two children were born, who are living with their mother in Milledgeville, Georgia.
Katherine Scott is now 12 years of age and Agnes Scott is 10 years of age.
Major Scott's mother, Mary M. Scott, who is now 76 years of age, lives with her daughter-in-law, Mary H. Scott, in Milledgeville, Georgia.
Major Albert B. Scott was an only child.

From Find a Grave

Maj Albert Blackstone Scott
Birth: Oct. 29, 1858
San Antonio
Bexar County                       
Texas, USA
Death: Jan. 10, 1906
Added by: Jack Johnson
Baldwin County
Georgia, USA

Son of Walter Scott and Mary Kirkwood Whiteley

Atlanta Constitution, Jan. 11, 1906

Death Was Result of Wound Received at the Battle of San Juan.

Milledgeville, Ga. January 10 (Special) Major A. B. Scott, retired, captain of Thirteenth infantry, United States army, died at his residence, in Milledgeville, Ga., this morning at 9 o'clock. The funeral took place from the
episcopal church; interment in the Milledgeville cemetery.,

Major Scott leaves a wife, one child by his first wife - A.N. Scott of Pittsburgh Pa. and two daughters, Agnes and Katherine, by his present wife. Major Scott was born at the arsenal at San Antonio, Texas, October 19, 1858.
His grandfather, R.H.K. Whity, was a brigadier general in the United States army, and Major Scott lived with and was brought up in the army.

In 1876, President U.S. Grant appointed him to West Point Military Academy and he graduated in 1880. He was signed to the Thirteenth infantry, U.S.A., and he served with distinction through several Indian wars and was wounded in the final chase after Geronimo, in Arizona. His service led him through all the southwestern states. He was commandant of cadets at the Maryland Agricultural
College for a number of years. He was commandant of cadets of the Georgia Military College when the Spanish-American war broke out He joined his regiment and accompanied them to Cuba.

At the San Juan fight, Major Scott was desperately wounded and was left upon the field an entire day for dead. For weeks his family did not know whether he was dead or alive. For an entire year he lay in his home in Buffalo,
N.Y., unable to speak and barely able to move. The wound had entirely paralyzed his right side, and his death today was the direct result of this wound, as the result of this fight the 13th, left on the filed, or have died
since, one colonel, one major, three captains, one lieutenant.

Major Scott was brevetted major for his gallantry in this fight.

No man ever made a more gallant effort to be useful than did Major Scott. Though terribly maimed to the extent of not using one arm at all and walking with such uncertain step as to often require the presence of a body servant, at arms' length to prevent his falling, still, as long as it was possible, tried to fulfill his position as commandant of Georgia's Military College in this
city. Ever since the late war with Spain, he has lived bravely a life, if anything, worse than death. He gave his all to his county and deserved all that it could do for him and his.

Family links:
  Mary Lewis Howell Scott (1858 - 1929)
  Agnes Newell Scott (1856 - 1884)*

*Calculated relationship
Memory Hill Cemetery
Baldwin County
Georgia, USA

Created by: Jack Johnson
Record added: Oct 14, 2006
Find A Grave Memorial# 16173
Lieut. A. B. SCOTTProf. Mc Fadden "Alexander" (M. A.) NEWELL
(1824 - 1893)
Agnes (Aggie) NEWELL
(ca1856 - 1884)
Charlotte Price or Wilson DAVIES
(1855 - 1941)

m. 30 Jun 1924, Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD
Alexander "Newell" SCOTTJosephine (Jo) Cushing Newell NEWELL
b. 24 Sep 1882, MD [8, 1945 Newell Scott's Birthday], [290]
occ. 1900 farm labrorer liv. with Uncle Paul Pratt and Aunt Belle Newell Pratt
God P..
Re. He married his mother's half sister!!!
b. 10 Jan 1892, Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD [8], [130, Jan 1892 aged 8]
God P..
Re. Her husband was her half sister's son!!!
Re. Orlando, Orange Co., FL

Alexander Newell Scott Jr.
April 12, 1928 - Nov. 4, 1928

    Possible Pratt connection:


    Alec Newell

    to Connie, Bobbye, Sharon, Sara, Dave, Timothy, John, Sara-Nett
    Looking through an online book "Apache Prisoners in Ft. Marion, St. Augustine, Florida" by Herbert Welsh, Corresponding Sec. Indian Rights Assn. 1887, regarding the internment of Geronimo, and other Apache Indians, (remember Albert Scott's Indian War connections?);  there is a mention made, by the author, of visiting a school in Carlisle, Pa. for Chiricahaua Apache boys that was being run by Capt. R.H. Pratt.

    Carlisle is just north of Baltimore.  Both M.A. Newell "0" and Lt. Albert Scott have military instruction connections to back Pa.  Also, Bell Newell is married to a Paul Pratt, who owns a Pennsylvania farm where little Newell Scott lives for a while.  I suspect that there might have been an Indian War connection between Lt. Scott and (then) Lt.R.H. Pratt.

    If a connection can be made from Paul Pratt back to Capt. R.H. Pratt, I'm thinking there could be another interesting sidebar to Aggie N. Scott's story.


    Volume V - No. 6

    December, 1940

    The Founding of Carlisle Was Dreamed in St. Augustine
    The chronicle of ancient Castillo de San Marcos at Saint Augustine, once a proud New World outpost of Spain's Golden Age and now known to thousands of American travelers as Fort Marion National Monument, contains so many diverting chapters that, should it ever become complete, it will be well worth the long telling. Not the least interesting of these stories within the story concerns the time 65 years ago when the fort witnessed one of the first practical demonstrations of the ability of the Federal government to elevate and civilize the western Indians, and one of the earliest advances in a rational method of making citizens of the remnants of our aboriginal population.
    In April 1865 a group of Comanches, Cheyennes, and Arapahoes were condemned to exile at Fort Marion by the United States government for the high crimes of murder and rebellion. Among them were "Medicine Water", a ringleader; "White Man", "Rising Bull", "Hailstone", "Sharp Bully", and other accomplices in the murder of the Germain family and in the terrible fate of the two Germain girls, later recaptured from the Cheyennes. Other prisoners were "Come See", accused of the murder of the Short surveying party; "Soaring Eagle", supposed to have killed the hunter Brown; "Big Moccasin" and "Making Medicine", horse thieves and raiders; "Packer", the murderer of Williams, and "Mochi", the squaw identified by the Germain girls as having chopped off the head of their mother with an ax.1
    Indian prisonersA group of Indian prisoners in native dress at Fort Marion. note squaw and child

    Besides these, who constituted most of the criminals, was a large number against whom no particular accusation had been lodged but who were confined apparently on the principle that prevention is better than cure.2
    The convicted Indians were marched in chains from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, to the railroad 165 miles away. En route to Florida a Cheyenne chief called Gray Beard tried to commit suicide by hanging, but was cut down only to be shot while attempting to escape. Another Cheyenne, Lean Bear, repeatedly stabbed himself with a pen knife on the journey, yet recovered sufficiently to go on a hunger strike and to meet death by starvation and pneumonia. But at last, worn and oppressed in body and spirit, the Indians reached St. Augustine. Many Indians had languished long before in the ancient fort of coquina, and thousands of others had died while engaged in its construction. The ragged, unkempt group of morose convicts, herded into a kind of pen about 100 feet square, knew an equal despair. Hopelessly they lay down on the cold dirt floors of their cells, and began unresistingly to sicken and die.3
    It was not long, however, before the Indians began to perceive in the rugged countenance of the commanding officer the aspect and features of a friend. Lieutenant Richard H. Pratt ordered the hated shackles removed and allowed the prisoners to roam the terreplein for exercise and air. Later, as they were found more trustworthy, they were even permitted to camp for two weeks at a time upon nearby Anastasia Island.
    Within the first six months at Fort Marion, the radical step was taken of dismissing the highly unpopular soldier guard. Lieutenant Pratt pledged his commission for the good behavior of the captives, and for the remainder of their three years of imprisonment the men guarded themselves without material mishap. Clothed in Army uniforms, and subjected to army discipline and routine, the Indians soon began to have the privileges and consideration of the ordinary soldier.4 As the gay winter season of St. Augustine advanced, company drills at the fort began to elicit favorable comment from a host of visitors from all parts of the country. The neat and soldierly appearance, willing industry, and general good spirit of the Indians won the friendly and admiring response that Lieutenant Pratt had confidently anticipated.
    Native American on horseback

    Native American on horseback
    Water colors made by Indian prisoner at Fort Marion during the period 1875-78

    As part of Pratt's plan of education of the Indians he cast about for means of vocational training which would make them self-supporting. A limited amount of work was found for them in the orange groves, packing houses, sawmills, and farms of the area, and the Indians proved industrious workers. The making of souvenirs was encouraged and the Indian canes, bows, arrows, and other trifles had a ready sale. In a few months about 16,000 sea beams were polished and sold to visitors, netting the prisoners $1,600 which they sent home to their families or used to buy extra comforts for themselves.5 Many of the students showed great aptitude for drawing and painting. Sidney Lanier wrote:
    "They seem excessively fond of trying their skill in drawing, and are delighted with a gift of pencil and paper. Already, however, the atmosphere of trade has reached into their souls, and I am told that they now begin to sell what they were ready to give away when I saw them a few weeks ago!"6
    An English noblewoman, in commenting upon the artistic proclivities of the wards of Lieutenant Pratt, said:
    "They have left their sign-manual upon the walls---specimens of Indian art in the shape of sprawly sketches of men and beast. For, it is well known, Indians are fond of drawing and will draw on anything and with any kind of material that will make a mark. They will even exchange a surplus squaw for a few pencils or paint brushes. Crude and out of all proportions as their productions are, they illustrate the minds and proclivities of the people. An Indian never represents himself as standing, dancing, or walking; he is always fighting against fabulous numbers, and always a conqueror, riding victorious over a score of prostrate forces."7
    Indian prisonersUniformed Indian prisoners organized into a military company at Fort Marion in the 70's. The photograph is from a sterograph

    A school for the Indians had been started in Fort Marion at an early date. Several teachers, among them the Sisters of St. Joseph, volunteered their services and from that point to the close of the three years of confinement there were from four to six classes constantly under instruction and English soon became the common tongue the captives. In the spring of 1878, the War Department released all the prisoners the Indian Bureau. Twenty-two of the younger men asked to remain and these young braves went to form the nucleus of the pioneer Indian school at Hampton. Lieutenant Pratt later suggested to Carl Schurz, Secretary of the Interior, that the Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania, then occupied, be used exclusively as an Indian school. A bill to that effect was introduced in Congress and in August 1887 Pratt, now a Captain, wrote: "Carlisle is ours and fairly won!"8
    The Carlisle barracks were transferred from the War Department to the Department of the Interior and Pratt entered upon his arduous duties of founding a school with little money or outside aid. The expenses for the first year were paid from the "Civilization Fund." This fund was several hundred thousand dollars, accumulated from the sale of Osage Indian lands in Kansas, for fostering general Indian civilization.9
    By the close of the first year, Carlisle had assembled nearly 200 students from 15 different tribes. Only about half had had any previous training and hardly 10 per cent any admixture of white blood. The former Fort Marion prisoners, after 18 months at Hampton, were returned to Pratt's supervision, and gave valuable help in handling new recruits. After three years Congress appropriated funds to maintain the school and by 1900 the institute had a yearly attendance of more than 1,000 from some 80 tribes. Twenty-four other nonreservation schools for Indians branched from Carlisle.10
    The famous institute was discontinued in 1917 because of the First World War. It is said that the Carlisle students volunteered to a man. As noncitizens they could not be conscripted yet they chose to be among the first to fight the nation's battles.11 Although Carlisle Institute is no more, the lives of its students and their descendants stand as a monument to the vision of "The Red Man's Moses", General Richard Henry Pratt--a vision which was first conceived in the shadowy casemates of the old Spanish fortress, Castillo de San Marcos, now known as Fort Marion National Monument.
    Indian prisoners
    Indian prisoner-students at Fort Marion

    1Sidney Lanier, Florida: Its Scenery, Climate and History, St. Augustine, 1876.
    2Gray Beard and Geronimo apparently came in this last category. There has been a great difference of opinion concerning the location of the prison in which Geronimo was confined. Mr. Braddock, a St. Augustine visitor, asserted that he had seen Geronimo at Fort Marion but that the chief was removed to Fort Pickens, Pensacola, after a few days of imprisonment at St. Augustine, Dr. A. Oscar Brown, now an Army chaplain at Tea Pot Dome, Wyoming, said that he knew Geronimo well when the Indian was a prisoner at Fort Marion, and eventually converted the captive to the Christian faith.
    3E. C. Pratt Eastman, The Red man's Moses. University of Oklahoma Press, 1935.
    4W. W. Dewhurst, The History of St. Augustine, Florida. Putnam and Sons, New York, 1885.
    5R. B. Pratt, "Indians at Fort Marion", The Mentor, September 1924.
    6op. cit.
    7Lady Duffers Hardy, Down South, Chapman and Hall, Ltd., London, 1883
    8Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Government Printing Office, 1887.
    10Pratt, op. cit.
    11The story has been told of how an American unit at the front, upon being frustrated repeatedly because enemy listeners overheard telephone messages relating to planned movements, overcame the difficulty by using Indian soldiers to convey information in tribal tongues. The eaves droppers were nonplussed.

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    Date: 04-Jul-2002



    Saturday, April 10, 2004

    Hugh Newell (1830-1915)

    Hugh Newell - An American Sportsman and Self Portrait
    Sold: Sotheby's Auction House, April 8, 2011, for $13,020.00 (Euros)
    Born in Belfast, Ireland, Hugh Newell made a name for himself as an artist and instructor after settling in the United States in the middle of the nineteenth century. Before his move, Newell studied at the best schools in Europe: the Academy of Antwerp, the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris (under Thomas Couture), and the Royal College of Art in London. In 1851, he established himself in Baltimore, creating still lifes, portraits, landscapes, and genre scenes whose precision reflected his extensive training. Newell’s bright, naturalistic work was highly popular, and he exhibited at the American Watercolor Society, the National Academy of Design, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the Brooklyn Art Association, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Boston Art Club, and the Washington Art Association. He was also a prominent art instructor who served as the Principal of the Pittsburgh Women’s School of Design, the President of the Maryland Institute College of Art, and the Professor of Drawing at Johns Hopkins University. His work can now be seen in the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, the Shelburne Museum, the Reading Public Museum, the Maryland Historical Society, and the Peabody Institute.

    Note:  Hugh also happens to be the artist who painted the iconic portrait of his cousin McFadden A Newell, founder of the Maryland Normal School of Baltimore, the foundational institution upon which the Maryland public school system was eventually built.  Today that portrait hangs in the top floor of the Albert  S. Cook Library on the Towson University Campus in Baltimore.
    Reposted by Alec Newell Oct. 18 2014 

    Towson University Faculty/Staff News • January 15, 2004
        Lighten up, Mr. NewellFirst principal’s descendants hope to help restore 125-year-old painting M.A. Newell, his purposeful Victorian features softened by time and grime, keeps watch over the campus from the top floor of Cook Library. The oversized portrait, painted midway through his 24-year stint as TU’s first principal, occupies a place of honor in the University Archives--and in the hearts of several Newell descendants, who recently established a fund for a much-needed restoration. “When we were shown Principal Newell’s huge portrait, and were told all he had done for the state of Maryland’s educational system, it left us with a great feeling of pride,” says North Carolina resident Suzy Barile, who organized the 16-member group’s trip to TU last spring. “We wanted to do something to thank Towson for keeping his spirit and name alive and for being so gracious to us. Perhaps the establishment of this fund will be an impetus for others who admire M.A. Newell to contribute toward the restoration.” According to TU archivist Nancy Gonce, the portrait itself was a labor of love. It’s the work of M.A. Newell’s cousin Hugh Newell (1830-1915), a well-regarded portraitist who launched his career in the mid-1850s after studying art in Antwerp at the Academy, in Paris under Couture and in London at the Royal Academy of Art. Hugh Newell completed the portrait in 1879, the year he became president of the Maryland Institute College of Art. “Since this year marks the portrait’s 125th anniversary, it would be especially fitting to have it returned to its original brightness and detail,” says Gonce. “If historic works are neglected, they’ll eventually be lost to the generations that follow. We’re hoping the campus community will join M.A. Newell’s descendants to make sure this part of his legacy remains at Towson.” To contribute to the M.A. Newell portrait restoration fund, call Vesna Gjaja, TU Development Office, x43375.
    Story by Jan Lucas/Photo by Kanji Takeno